Projects, like operations, involve many resources which have to carry out many tasks in order to accomplish pre-determined end results. Projects (especially in multi-project environments) have characteristics which drastically differentiate them from production. Learn how projects can finish ahead of time, within the allotted budget and without compromising on the content.
The Goldratt Satellite Program (GSP) on Project Management & Engineering
What is the problem?
- Common complaints
- Conflict cloud of complaints
- The project management cloud
- Current mode of operation
- What is the difference between a "realistic estimate" and a "50% chance" estimate?
- Do statistical deviations average out? Student syndrome<
- Do statistical deviations average out? Parkinson Law
- A typical Project
- Multi-projects environments
- Bad multitasking
- Simulated project results
What is the solution?
- Project Management the TOC Way Real case: Maintenance of F-16 Israeli Airforce
- The way to stop bad multitasking is by staggering the projects
- Simulated project results with the DRUM
- Analysis of the solution
- How to focus using the Five Focusing Steps:
- Step 1: Identifying the system's constraint
- Step 2: Exploiting the system's constraint
- Step 3: Subordinate everything else to the above decision
- Simulated project results with the DRUM and BUFFER
- How do we set priorities? Buffer Management
- Simulated project results with the DRUM, Buffers and Buffer Management
- Judging the status of a project
Questions & Answers
The TOC Insights into Project Management
This easy-to-follow resource shows managers how to shorten project delivery time, eliminate cost and scheduling over-runs, manage project resources more efficiently and finish projects that meet or exceed expectations.
- An extensive explanation of the Theory of Constraints (TOC) application of Critical Chain Project Management execution (CCPM) for PROJECT BASED environments.
- With simple & common sense procedures Project Managers and their teams will learn the significant impact of student syndrome, parkinson’s law, multitasking, resource contention, early start vs. late start, to benefit from Goldratt's techniques of how
- Learn at your own speed and easily review any of the material, as you need!
- Developed in an interactive type presentation for self-learning as well as group training, they provide the know-how of “what to change?” and “what to change to?”
The TOC Insights clearly describes and explains the concepts and principles behind critical chain project management execution:
Critical Chain
- the longest chain of dependent events considering resource contention.
Project Buffer
- aggregated protection against uncertainty to protect project completion due date.
Feeding Buffers
- aggregated protection against uncertainty to protect the critical chain.
- the mechanism to significantly reduce bad multitasking in multi-project environments.
Buffer Management
- a process for monitoring and prioritizing according to the critical chain performance.
The Goldratt Strategy and Tactic Program (GST) for Project Based Organizations
Setting the stage for a solution
- People resist change?
- Setting the criteria
- Strategy and Tactic
- Defining the target for a multi-project environment
- Example Terminal 2000
- Reducing bad multi-tasking
- Full kit
- Building PERTs
- Building Critical Chain PERTs
- Staggering
- Q&A
- Task Status reporting (expected completion)
- Task Management (managing according to priorities)
- Project Management
- Top Management (portfolio status report)
- Virtual Drum Adjustments (adjusting to the actual rate of project completion)
- Dealing with Clients during a project
- Dealing with sub-contractors
Capitalizing on a decisive competitive edge
- Reliability Selling
- Expanding Client Base
- Load Control (Capacity Elevation - a mechanism to protect sales even as orders increase)
- Process Of OnGoing Improvement (POOGI)
- Expanding Capacity - people and equipment
- Identifying the required resources and increasing capacity to maintain performance
Reaching a Viable Vision
- Have we achieved our objective?
- Review the criteria
- Built to Last / ever-flourishing companies
- Viable Vision
- Build a decisive competitive edge
- Earning bonuses