The objective of any company is to implement an effective and lasting Process Of OnGoing Improvement. Unfortunately, after the initial thrust most improvement efforts stagnate. This program molds the Theory of Constraints know-how into a clear, overall strategy backed up by detailed tactics, so that the rate of improvement continues to grow over time.
Your organization will learn a clear, overall strategy and the corresponding tactics to immunize the company from future market fluctuations.
A knowledge sharing tool for group learning and buy-in to:
- Learn a clear, overall strategy and the corresponding tactics to immunize the company from future market fluctuations
- CLEAR & common sense objectives that will give your organization a clear roadmap to achieve sustainable results.
- Get the know-how of the Theory of Constraints (TOC) approach for you to make more money now and in the future, while having satisfied customers and secure employees.
- Gain consensus from different stakeholders.
- Use as a comprehensive and system-focused learning resource for organizational development, group training, curriculum or library.
- Provides answers to the questions “what to change?” and “what to change to?” to bring your organization into a process of ongoing improvement.

Click here to view a Free Excerpt
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TOC on Strategy and Tactics
• Three Necessary Conditions
• Are there conflicts between the three necessary conditions?
Process of ongoing improvement
• Creating a decisive dominant edge
Creating a lasting competitive edge
• How do we create a lasting competitive edge?
• Story
• If the tail is moving there is a dog!
• Build flexibility.
Questions & Answers
The Goldratt Satellite Program (GSP) Company Licensing Agreement
The Video of The Goldratt Satellite Program (GSP)
This Licensing Agreement ("Agreement") sets forth the terms and conditions under which Goldratt's Marketing, Ltd. licenses The Goldratt Satellite Program (GSP) to Licensee.
The GSP was recorded during the live broadcast of the Goldratt Satellite Program presented by Dr. Eliyahu M. Goldratt in eight sessions during March to May 1999.
Goldratt's Marketing, Ltd. hereby grants to Licensee a nonexclusive, nontransferable, license to use the GSP. Licensee is prohibited from sub-licensing, renting, broadcasting, up/ downloading or leasing any portion of the GSP to a third party.
Licensee has the right to enable any individual working for Licensee to view the GSP in full or partially. Each viewer is entitled to multiple viewing of the GSP as long as this Agreement is in effect.
The GSP is available for unlimited viewing by Licensee as detailed in section 1 provided the license fee has been paid in full.
The License term of this agreement is for an unlimited time period, and begins on the date of Licensee's acceptance of online agreement at the time of purchase and receipt of the appropriate paid up fee.
Title to and ownership of the GSP shall at all times reside with Eliyahu M. Goldratt. The GSP and accompanying materials (CD - Viewer Notebook) provided by Goldratt's Marketing, Ltd. to Licensee under this Agreement, are protected by copyright laws and international treaty provisions. Licensee acquires no rights or licenses with respect to the GSP and/or accompanying materials other than stated in this Agreement. Licensee commits not to duplicate or make copies of the GSP and/or accompanying materials and will take any reasonable precautions to prevent others from duplicating.
Licensee is responsible to take care of the maintenance of the GSP. If GSP is lost or damaged, a replacement will be provided with a charge.
Goldratt's Marketing, Ltd. shall have the right to immediately terminate this Agreement for any breach of this agreement. Upon termination of this Agreement, Licensee shall immediately return to Goldratt's Marketing, Ltd. at its own expense, all copies of the GSP in Licensee's possession or under its control.
If you are an Academic who is part of a formal educational institution, you are welcome to participate in our Academic Program which allows the Professor/University to teach students about the Theory of Constraints (TOC) using any of the following materials:
- The Goal movie
- TOC Insights
- TOC Self Learning Programs/GSP Series
Our Academic Program offers the Professor/University an opportunity to incorporate TOC Materials, such as the The Goal movie, TOC Insights, TOC Self Learning Programs, and GSP Series, into the course curriculum in order to provide a base of knowledge about the Theory of Constraints, and/or to include cases studies and video presentations from in order to show specific examples of how TOC has been implemented.
Interested parties will enter an Academic License Agreement which grants the non-exclusive, nontransferable rights to utilize the material in their course(s) provided that the Academic Licensee requires each student to purchase the material as part of the required course material. Students will pay a special Academic price which is significantly reduced from the list price and is as affordable as any other required text.
Participating Professors will receive his/her own copy of the TOC materials and is granted access to and use of such materials at no cost for as long as the Academic Program is active.
The benefits of participating in an Academic programs are huge. There is no monetary investment for the Professor/University. The Professor will have access to learning material which supports their course and expands their own personal knowledge of TOC. The students will be learning about TOC with materials that provide detailed knowledge and support and deepen their understanding.
In any case, if the above is not right for your Academic needs, there are Academic discounts available for any of the above materials.
Please CONTACT US for more information on the Academic programs and/or discounts.