Viable Vision for Health Care Systems (Chapter 31 of the Theory of Constraints Handbook)

Dr. Gary Wadhwa


Level of TOC knowledge acquired:



57 pages

Designed for:

Consultants, Implementers, Leaders and Project Managers


Finance and Measurements, Project Management, Strategy and Tactics and Viable Vision




Buffer Management, Critical Chain, Evaporating Cloud, Five Focusing Steps, Strategy & Tactic Tree and Throughput Accounting







This is an individual chapter of Theory of Constraints Handbook. The purpose of this chapter is to show how the TOC philosophy can be applied along with other process improvement tools like Lean and Six Sigma to solve health care problems of any system, and provide excellent health care to a large number of end customers, the patients.

By carefully defining the system under our control within the context of National health care, TOC can help resolve conflicts between our system\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s vision and the national health care policies; resolve conflicts between global vs. local optimization within organizations; improve the throughput of patients; provide high quality, reliable treatment to patients; align the front level staff to executive management staff through the Strategy & Tactics hierarchical tree; and provide decision-making tools for investments and pricing of our services.

I believe that TOC is the only science available that provides tools for alignment of the private self-interests of several health care providers towards one goal of providing excellent health care to the majority of the people in the country without rationing or cost-cutting procedures.


  • The Tools for Improvement
  • Undesirable Effects of the Current Health Care System
  • Defining the Goal of the Health Care System
  • Improving Quality and Quantity of Patient Flow through Health Systems
  • Thinking Processes for Identifying Root Cause of Physical Constraints to the Flow of Patients
  • Throughput Accounting for Performance Measurement and Decision Making in Health Care
  • Strategy and Tactic Tree to Implement and Achieve the Viable Vision
  • A Case Study of VV Success
  • General Discussion

Comprehensive coverage of the Theory of Constraints 

Complete Table of contents of the Theory of Constraints Handbook

About the Authors:

James F. Cox III, Ph.D, CFPIM, CIRM, holds TOCICO certifications in all disciplines. He is a Jonah's Jonah, Professor Emeritus, and was the Robert O. Arnold Professor of Business in the Terry College of Business at the University of Georgia. Dr. Cox has written three books on TOC.

John Schleier holds TOCICO certifications in all disciplines. He was President and Chief Operating Officer of the Mortgage Services Division of Alltel, Inc., Executive Vice President of Computer Power, Inc., and Director of Office Systems and Data Delivery for IBM.


The Theory of Constraints Handbook: